Products Our offers



Virtual servers

Virtual servers

Flexible and cost-effective solution with almost unlimited possibilities. Our customers appreciate both the quality technologies on which we run these servers and their high reliability.

Dedicated servers

Dedicated servers

Run even the most demanding web projects and services. Dedicated performance of a virtual server, the parameters of which you can set yourself and exactly according to your requirements.

Managed servers

Managed servers

A managed server is a comprehensive solution. Dedicated physical or virtual server with Linux and MS Windows systems, including complete management and monitoring 24/7/365.

Virtual servers

Virtuální privátní servery s SSD disky a nejlepším poměrem ceny a výkonu na trhu. Chtějte kvalitu a vysoký výkon s VPS od nethostu. Display full page

Sponge S3 storage

Efektivní, bezpečné a rychlé cloud úložiště. Nízké náklady, škálování, geografická diverzita a platba reflektující skutečné využití. Sponge S3 od Nethostu. Display full page

PDS backup service

A specialized, robust, secure, unrivaled fastest and most cost-effective backup tool. Display full page

SSL Certificates

Secure email with electronic signature and encryption or HTTPS communication using SSL certificate from trusted certification authorities Comodo, RapidSSL, Alpiro SSL and others. Display full page