Solutions Solutions for you


DDoS protection

Virtually every operation of services and applications in the Internet environment is vulnerable to DDoS attacks. These attacks can come for no apparent reason and suddenly. It also often serves as a cover-up maneuver for a major attack. There is almost no defense against DDoS attacks and it is necessary to solve them directly. We offer two solutions for protection against DDoS attacks.

WAF (Web Application Firewall)


The Clouflare platform offers protection on several levels. Robust solution for protection and mitigation of DDoS network attacks on the third layer (L3). Web application firewall to control performance, availability and to protect against attacks on application system resources. Firewall that allows flexible access control, including blocking users who are detected as dangerous activity. OWASP module for protection of web applications on the seventh layer (L7). Our Nethost Cloudflare managed service includes 24/7/365 supervision of application functionality, ad-hoc configuration modifications of self-managed Cloudflare variants.

More information about Cloudflare

Spongefinger WAF

Adaptive Network Filtering (ASF) is a comprehensive modular and robust solution for controlling detection and filtering servers to mitigate DDoS attacks. It is designed for installations in pure filtration mode, for aggregated filtration with external analysis and in the mode of pre-mitigation within the chain of filter elements.

Filtering L3 – L7 attacks

Spongefinger IP

Adaptive Network Filtering (ASF) is a comprehensive, modular, robust solution for controlling detection and filtering servers to mitigate DDoS attacks. It is designed for installations in pure filtration mode, for aggregated filtration with external analysis and in the mode of pre-mitigation within the chain of filter elements.

Contact us for more information and a non-binding consultation.